Monday, February 16, 2009

Donating 1.5 billion per year

That's the estimated value of the amount of stock Warren Buffet will be giving to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

Also here is an interview with a little more information about the largest donation in the history of Mankind, especially by a living donor.

Would most people give 1.5 billion dollars, in stocks of their own company, away to a foundation?
Sure he is giving it away at a late stage in his life, after his wife's death.
Death is interesting, in that it gives you the proper perspective on life.

As Andrew Carnegie once said, "The man who dies rich thus dies disgraced."

Or as Islam says(paraphrase), It would be more beneficial that a man give an apple of his orchard while he lives, than give 1,000 trees away after he dies, when they are no longer useful to him.

Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world, thus will be giving away nearly 40 billion dollars, almost all his fortune. Yet, if you had read my last post, you would have read that he would not have fully actualized himself.

The fully actualized person, would never have had that high of a net worth, and would definitely not have sacrificed nearly as much of his life for wealth.

So in essence, he will die a second class citizen, because of his wealth, and the sacrifices he has made for it, and the desire to satiate his unending greed.

That said, he will still die with more dignity, than most of humanity will.


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